8 1/2" x 11" Tracings, 11 cents each.  Postage extra outside U.S.A.
          Data given: points of tangent, points of curve, and points of switch in footage; degrees of radius and central angle
         of curvature; road location and protection devices; drainage provisions; length of spurs with buildings; mile posts,
      milk platforms; trestle location, number, and length; names of deed holders, and more.
From/Thru Pages From/Thru Pages
Baltimore/York                                         Total of 426 $45.00 Baltimore Station 1 $0.11
Baltimore/Evergreen 1-15 $1.65 Baltimore Yard 1-5 $0.55
Evergreen/Notre Dame 14-18 $0.55 Evergreen Station 14-15 $0.22
Notre Dame/Homeland 17-23 $0.77 Notre Dame 17-18 $0.22
Homeland/Woodbrook 22-27 $0.66 Homeland Station 22-23 $0.22
Woodbrook/Shepherd 26-31 $0.66 Woodbrook Station 26-27 $0.22
Shepherd/Towson Station 31-35 $0.55 Shepherd Station 31 $0.11
Towson Station/Towson Hghts,Joppa Tres. 35-40 $0.66 Towson Station 35-36 $0.22
Towson Heights/Bendix Switch Back 38-45 $0.88 Towson Heights Station(w/Black & Decker) 38-40 $0.33
Towson Heights/Oakleigh 38-50 $1.43 Bendix Switch Back 43-45 $0.33
Oakleigh/Loch Raven 49-58 $1.10 Oakleigh Station 49 $0.11
Loch Raven/Md. School,(60A)tank supply 57-61 $0.66 Loch Raven Station 57-58 $0.22
Maryland School/Summerfield 61-65 $0.55 Md. School Station, tank, supply line 60,60A,61 $0.33
Summerfield/Notch Cliff 64-69 $0.66 Summerfield Station 64-65 $0.22
Glen View/Glenarm 70-74 $0.55 Notch Cliff Station 68-69 $0.11
Glenarm/Long Green 74-80 $0.77 Glen View (private station) 70 $0.11
Long Green/Hydes 80-85 $0.66 Glenarm Station (w/F. X. Hooper Co.) 73-74 $0.22
Hydes, Rutledge's Siding/Baldwin 85-93 $0.99 Long Green Station 80 $0.11
Baldwin/Laurel Brook 93-108 $1.21 Hydes Station 85 $0.11
Laurel Brook/Fallston 108-114 $0.77 Baldwin Station 93 $0.11
Fallston/Vale 113-123 $1.10 Laurel Brook Station(w/Overshot Viaduct) 107-108 $0.22
Vale/Belair Wye 123-136 $1.54 Fallston Station (w/spurs) 113-114 $0.22
Belair/Bynum 134-145 $1.32 Vale Station (w/trestle #238 & tank) 122-123 $0.22
Bynum/Forest Hill 144-154 $1.21 Belair (including Station & wye) 134-136 $0.33
Forest Hill, Gross Trestle/Sharon 153-163 $1.21 Bynum/Forest Hill 144-145 $0.22
Sharon, Hornberger's Siding/Fern Cliff 163-170 $0.88 Forest Hill 153-154 $0.22
Fern Cliff/Rocks 170-179 $1.10 Gross Trestle,Sharon,Hornberger's Siding 161-166 $0.66
Rocks/Minefield 178-188 $1.21 Fern Cliff Station 170 $0.11
Minefield/Street 188-195 $0.88 Rocks Station (w/tank & supply lines) 178-179 $0.22
Street/Pylesville 194-203 $1.10 Minefield Station (w/canning house spur) 188 $0.11
Pylesville/Whiteford, (211A&B) Staso 202-213 $1.54 Street Station 194-195 $0.22
Whiteford/Cardiff, (211A&B) Staso 212-218 $0.99 Pylesville Sta.(w/trestles 396 & 397, dairy) 201-203 $0.33
Cardiff/Delta Station 216-220 $0.55 Whiteford w/Staso Spur 211A/B-213 $0.44
Slate Hill Branch to Funkhouser 220-220J $1.21 Cardiff Spurs 216-218 $0.33
Delta Station/Bryansville 220-230 $1.21 Delta Station 220 $0.11
Bryansville/Castle Fin 230-236 $0.77 Delta (Slate Hill) Station w/spurs 220B-220C $0.22
Castle Fin/Southside 235-248 $1.54 Funkhouser Spurs 220G-220J $0.44
Southside/Woodbine 248-254 $0.77 Bryansville 230 $0.11
Woodbine/Bridgeton 253-259 $0.77 Castle Fin 235-236 $0.22
Bridgeton/Bruce 258-268 $1.21 Southside 248 $0.11
Bruce/Muddy Creek Forks 268-282 $1.65 Woodbine w/passing spur 253-255 $0.33
Muddy Creek Forks/High Rock 281-286 $0.66 Bridgeton 258-259 $0.22
High Rock/Laurel (w/pasing siding) 285-297 $1.43 Bruce 268 $0.11
Laurel/Fenmore (Devil's Backbone) 297-305 $0.99 Muddy Creek Forks 281-282 $0.22
Fenmore/Brogueville 304-308 $0.55 High Rock 285-286 $0.22
Brogueville/Felton 307-319 $1.43 Laurel (w/passing siding) 295-297 $0.33
Felton/Brownton 318-324 $0.77 Fenmore 304-305 $0.22
Brownton(w/Dog Knot tank)/Springvale 324-335 $1.32 Brogueville 307-308 $0.22
Springvale/Dallastown Branch 334-349 $1.76 Felton 318-319 $0.22
Dallastown Branch 349-350F $0.77 Brownton 324 $0.11
Dallastown Branch/Yoe 349-357 $0.99 Springvale 334-335 $0.22
Yoe/Relay 353-358 $0.66 Red Lion Borough Tracks 340-346 $0.77
Relay/Ore Valley 358-365 $0.88 Dallastown Station 350F $0.11
Ore Valley/Ben Roy 364-368 $0.55 Yoe Borough Tracks 353-356 $0.44
Ben Roy/Enterprise 368-371 $0.44 Relay 358 $0.11
Enterprise/Paper Mill 370-376 $0.77 Ore Valley 364-365 $0.22
Paper Mill/Hollywood 376-379 $0.44 Ben Roy 368 $0.11
Hollywood/Plank Road 378-382 $0.55 Enterprise 370-371 $0.22
Plank Road/P.R.R. 27 sheets $2.97 Paper Mill 376 $0.11
Hollywood 378-379 $0.22
York Terminal Railway Yard w/Station 8 sheets $0.88
York Station 393B $0.11
Interchange P.R.R. (Northern Central) 396-397 $0.22